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What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? and How AI works.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it works: A branch, Artificial Intelligence, called Computer Science, tries to create intelligent computers or machines like humans. In this article, we learn artificial intelligence definition and show some artificial intelligence example. In-depth we learn how artificial intelligence a modern approach.

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Artificial Intelligence:

The concept of Artificial Intelligence is that computer systems have to be used to do tasks that normally require a human. These include Speech Recognition and translation in different languages and all that include visual perceptions and even decision making.

In human beings, these qualities are naturally found that they have the ability to think and learn, in the same way, developing a system that has the ability to think, understand and learn artificially, and to behave and respond to human Better than that, it is called Artificial Intelligence.

AI, you must have heard many stories related to Artificial Intelligence, but have you understood the meaning of this Artificial Intelligence. Actually, Artificial Intelligence is the term related to computer science and technology, which started in the 1950s and is aimed at creating a machine that can imitate human behavior. In this case, you should also know about this Artificial Intelligence or artificial mind so that you can become aware of the advancement of technology. So, let's know about this Artificial Intelligence today.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

According to John McCarthy, father of Artificial Intelligence, it is "science and engineering to make this intelligent machine, especially to create intelligent computer programs".
Artificial Intelligence is a way to create computer, computer control robots, or software that can think wisely, just as intelligent people think.

How human beings think and how they teach, decide and how they work while solving problems, such things are accomplished by teaching them things.
This term is often applied to human development techniques that are accomplished with intellectual processes, which are the characteristics of humans, such as the ability to reason, discovery, generalize, or learning from past experience.

Since the development of digital computers in the 1940s, it has been shown that a computer can be programmed to accomplish a very complex task - for example, when searching for evidence for the mathematical theorems or playing chess - With great proficiency.
Even so, despite the continuous progress in speed and memory capacity of computer processing, there are no programs that can match human flexibility on a wide domain or in such tasks that require everyday knowledge.

On the other hand, some programs have achieved the expert and professional level of humans while performing specific tasks. This results in Artificial Intelligence in a limited sense in medical diagnostics, computer search engines, and voice or handwriting repagination.

What is Intelligence?

All but simple human behaviors that can be due to intelligence. Psychologists cannot characterize human intelligence only with one scourge. These are made from combinations of many different abilities.

Intelligence is the key to humans. Whatever our civilization has achieved, it is the result of human wisdom. Whether it is to master the use of fire, cultivate grain, invent the wheel or invent the motor engine. The one thing that is behind all of these is man's intelligence. This is the only thing that separates us from other creatures.

With the help of intelligence, man uses his own interests for many animals and many machines. All the machines that have been made so far have already done the scheduled work. Whether it's a factory, a motor vehicle or a computer but now people have succeeded in making the machines intelligent with the help of their intelligence. Although this technique is still in the early stages, its revolutionary results have started to appear.

For example, it is being used extensively in vehicle manufacturing, banking, and IT sectors. The global market of Artificial Intelligence is growing at 62.9 percent. Automated car, ChatBoT (which provide co-input while chatting while surfing the website), Personal Digital Assistant (Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple Seri, Microsoft Cortana etc.) operate with Artificial Intelligence.

Studies across the world have accelerated on Artificial Intelligence and invested heavily in it. Building automated cars or building a go computer that can easily beat any human player. Deep Blue Computer, equipped with the Artificial Intelligence of the IBM Company, defeated Kasparov in chess, while Google beat Alfago to a computer board game. So Artificial Intelligence can have such a capacity to overtake humans.

The focus of research in AI is primarily on the following components: using learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language.

1) Learning:
There are many ways to learn in Artificial Intelligence. The easiest is to learn from trials and errors. For example, to solve the problem of chess, a simple computer program, until the checkmate is given, trials the randomly move. This program then stores these movements, so that next time the computer faces the same situation, then it will remember this solution.

2) Reasoning:
For the reason, to give proper context to the situation. Contexts are classified as either catalyst or inductive. Here's an example of "The Samir should be in a museum or cafe. She is not in the cafe; That's why he is in the museum ".

3) Problem-solving:
Tactical troubles in Artificial Intelligence can be marked as a systematic search through a series of potential tasks to reach some predefined goals or solutions. A general purpose technique used in AI is the meaning and analysis - between-step-by-step or incremental, current state and final round are intermittent.

The program selects the action from the action key list. In the case of a simple robot, pickup, pulldown, MOVE FORWARD, MOVE BACK, MOVELEFT, and MOVERIGHT are not achieved until the goal is achieved.

4) Perception:
Cognition is scanned through various sensory organs, genuine or artificial and the scene is dissociated into different objects in different location-related relation. The analysis is complicated because the objects are different from different angles.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence:

1) Error Reduction:

Artificial Intelligence helps us to reduce the error and increases the chances of achieving accuracy with more Accuracy.
Artificial Intelligence is used in various studies such as the search for space. Information is filled in the Intelligent Robot and space is sent to explore.
Since they are metal made machines, they are more resistant and have more capacity to bear space and dangerous environment.

2) Faster Decisions:

Using Artificial Intelligence can help in making rapid decisions and taking action quickly.

3) Taking Risks On Behalf Of Humans:

Artificial Intelligence is used in mining and other fusion exploration processes. Not only this these complex machines can also be used for the search of sea level because they are beyond the limit of a human.

4) Daily Application:

Computed methods for automated logic, learning and perception have become a common phenomenon in our everyday lives. Cortana or Siri in Windows 10 is always ready to help us. We rely on road maps for long driving and travel with the help of GPS.

5) Digital Assistants:

Excessive Advance Organizations use 'avatars', which are replicas or digital assistants. Who can actually interact with the users, and save the need for the humane resources.
Artificial Intelligence, full of artificial ideas, does not get distracted by emotions. In the absolute absence of the emotional side, robots are made rational and this program makes the right decision.

6) Repetitive Jobs:

Repetitive works are done with machine intelligence, which humans can not afford. Machines can think fast and they are multitasking.

Machine Intelligence can be employed to do dangerous tasks. Their parameters, in contrast to humans, can be adjusted. Their speed and time are only based on the parameter. When humans play computer games or run computer control robots, then we are actually communicating with Artificial Intelligence.

7) No Breaks:

Unlike humans, machines do not require continuous comfort and refraction. They are programs for long hours and neither bore or distract or tired.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence:

1) High Cost:

Construction of Artificial Intelligence requires huge cost because they are very complex machines. Heavy costs are required for their repair and maintenance.

2) Job losses:

There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is replacing many low-skilled jobs. Of course, robots have already snatched many jobs on the assembly line - but now they can increase to a new level. For example, the driver's car concept, which can replace the requirement of millions of Halloween drivers.

Many times we understand robots as AI while a robot is a system where AI is inserted. In fact, Artificial Intelligence is such a study in which software is developed which can give a computer a better response than a human and a person. This Artificial Intelligence includes many subjects, which include knowledge of language besides mathematics, sociology, philosophy.

Types of AI:

1. Weak AI - It is also called Artificial Narrow Intelligence. They can work well only in a particular device. Like - if your computer plays chess games then it will be an expert in playing chess games and nobody else will be able to work so it will call it weak AI.
2. Strong AI - This is a system in which the mind and body of both of them are almost equal, i.e. the work that humans can easily do, the robots and the machine are able to do all the work comfortably, so it is called Strong AI or Artificial Wide Intelligence is also called.
In addition to these two types, Artificial Intelligence can also include singularity, so that robots and machines will be able to think and think better than humans, that is, the machine will leave the human being behind.
Expert Systems, Game Playing, Speech Recognition, Natural Language, Computer Vision, Neural Network, Robotics, Finance, Computer Science, Weather Forecast, and Aviation Ai are the main applications.
AI has made human work very easy. The work that 100 human brains can do, one machine can be dealt with in a few seconds.
In such a way, Artificial Intelligence has made our life and way of working quite simple, but this facility can also be a threat to us as far as the machines with Artificial Intelligence are running through human programming, but very soon If the machine starts taking its own decisions, then we will put humans in trouble.

It can be guessed by those films in which robots started doing their own work rather than accept the instructions. In such a situation it is necessary that the technique and machines should be made so efficient so that our problems can be solved but these machines and techniques should be in the hands of human beings, then it will be called promotion, otherwise this promotion can also play a danger bell.

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